
PMErr AcquirePMInterface(unsigned long id, void **ppInterface);
PMErr ReleasePMInterface(void *pInterface);

The acquire pre-defined interface from PageMaker. PageMaker pre-defined interface are id based. The following methods should be used by plugin to acquire and release pre-defined PageMaker interfaces.

These interfaces should only by used to acquire and release pre-defined PageMaker components.

PMErr AcquirePMInterface(char *pInterfaceName, void **ppInterface);
PMErr ReleasePMInterface(char *pInterfaceName, void **ppInterface);

Use these interfaces to acquire interfaces that are published by plug-ins.

The plug-in that owns the interface will receive a kPMAcquireInterface message to provide the interface when the following AcquirePMInterface method is called. The plug-in that owns the interface will receive a kPMReleaseInterface message when your plug-in calls the ReleasePMInterface method.

PMErr AddPMInterface(char *pInterfaceName);
PMErr RemovePMInterface(char *pInterfaceName);

If your plug-in is publishing a suite of interfaces, you must indicate the name of your component interface to PageMaker. Other plug-ins can then acquire your published component through the AcquirePMInterface.

There may be reasons that you want to stop publishing an interface, perhaps because needed resources are unavailable. You can stop publishing an interface with the RemovePMInterface callback. Any future requests for your plug-in will return an error.

Your plug-in must manage any current usage of the published interfaces, these plug-ins will not be notified that the component is no longer available.

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